100 non-Russian online service providers have registered as VAT payers in Russia

The Federal Tax Service of Russia

Published: 10.04.2017 16:55

100 non-Russian online service providers, including Apple, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Samsung, Bloomberg, Wargaming Group, Amazon, eBay, Nintendo, Formula One, Sony, Financial Times, Uber, Eurosport, Booking.com, Alibaba and Facebook have registered with the Federal Tax Service of Russia as VAT payers.

Almost half of them are engaged in selling software and video games, one third is represented by content selling companies (music, movies and books), about 15% are online trade platforms and online booking services.

The full list of registered companies is available at the VAT Office for Online Service Providers at https://lkioreg.nalog.ru/en.

To make compliance with new obligations easier the FTS developed a dedicated user friendly electronic service – Online Personal Account for Online Service Providers. Online Personal Account is a comprehensive toolkit which allows completing and submitting VAT tax returns and other documents directly to the FTS of Russia, monitor payments and arrears and interact with the Russian tax authorities electronically.

Supplementary guidelines for completing the VAT payment order will soon be posted in the VAT Office. VAT tax returns for the first quarter of 2017 as well as dedicated VAT payments are due until April 25, 2017.