Capacity Building Programs and Technical Assistance

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The Federal Tax Service of Russia (FTS of Russia) proactively invests in digital capabilities of tax administration, which has resulted in sustained increase in domestic revenue.

Fostering international cooperation, FTS of Russia shares the expertise in digital transformation with foreign tax administrations and provides various capacity building programs: from trainings and consultations to technical assistance in IT solutions implementation and modernization of information systems.

Technical assistance can be provided at the request of a foreign tax administration. In major cases, the technical assistance is tailored to the needs of foreign tax administrations taking into account differences in tax policy and digital maturity.


Advisory Services and Analytics

Improvement of Tax Administration Information System

Review of the IT Infrastructure in Tax Administration

Introduction of an Automated Control System for VAT (ACS VAT)

VAT-Lite Administration Platform

The Online cash registers control system

Special tax regime for the self-employed

Automated identification and risk profiling system for automatic exchange of financial information